is a Hong Kong-based travel agency specializing in offering unique and niche travel experiences. They connect travelers with local guides and cultural experiences in destinations such as Turkey, Georgia, Ethiopia, and Yemen, among others. Their mission is to foster interactions and promote sustainable tourism.
TravPholer relied heavily on the standard WhatsApp Business platform. However, as the number of customers grew rapidly, they realized that their existing customer service process was too cumbersome and time-consuming, significantly reducing overall efficiency. In addition, customer support was limited to working hours, restricting its availability. They needed automation and personalized messaging features to enhance customer engagement and avoid losing potential conversion opportunities.
TravPholer 一向依赖标准的 WhatsApp Business 平台。但随着客户数量急速上升,令他们意识到原本的客户服务过程太繁琐且耗时,大幅降低了整体效率。此外,由于客服人员只能在工作时间内处理查询,客户支援的可用性受到限制。他们需要自动化和个性化讯息功能,才能客户的参与度,避免潜在转换机会的流失。
TravPholer 一向依賴標準的 WhatsApp Business 平台。但隨著客戶數量急速上升,令他們意識到原本的客戶服務過程太繁瑣且耗時,大幅降低了整體效率。此外,由於客服人員只能在工作時間內處理查詢,客戶支援的可用性受到限制。他們需要自動化和個性化訊息功能,才能客戶的參與度,避免潛在轉換機會的流失。
Wati's automation features enabled TravPholer to send welcome messages on WhatsApp, respond quickly to frequently asked questions, and share relevant travel information. These capabilities allowed TravPholer to connect with travelers through their website, social media, and other marketing campaigns.
Additionally, TravPholer utilized the broadcast feature to send bulk messages to specific customer groups, such as updates on travel restrictions, promotional offers, or new travel packages. This significantly enhanced communication efficiency and customer engagement.
Wati 的自动化功能在 WhatsApp 自动发送欢迎讯息,快速回应常见问题,并分享相关的旅游资讯。这些功能让 TravPholer 能够透过其网站、社群媒体以及其他行销活动与旅客建立连结。
此外,TravPholer 也使用广播功能向特定客户群发送大量讯息,例如有关旅游限制的最新资讯、促销优惠或全新旅游套装行程,提升沟通效率与客户参与度。
Wati 的自動化功能在 WhatsApp 自動發送歡迎訊息,快速回應常見問題,並分享相關的旅遊資訊。這些功能讓 TravPholer 能夠透過其網站、社群媒體以及其他行銷活動與旅客建立連結。
此外,TravPholer 也使用廣播功能向特定客戶群發送大量訊息,例如有關旅遊限制的最新資訊、促銷優惠或全新旅遊套裝行程,提升溝通效率與客戶參與度。
How Wati made TravPholer better:
以下是 Wati 如何让 TravPholer 变得更好:
以下是 Wati 如何讓 TravPholer 變得更好:
TravPholer Assistant Marketing Manager
TravPholer 市场销售副经理
TravPholer 市場銷售副經理
We found that Wati's features perfectly matched our needs, especially its automation capabilities. Moreover, the interface is simple and user-friendly, with comprehensive instructions and tutorials. Any colleague can easily set up automation after watching the tutorial videos.
Wati effectively lowered both labor and time costs, making it a cost-effective choice for businesses that rely on the WhatsApp Business platform. They provide full support to help streamline your company's operations.
我们发现 Wati 所提供的功能最贴合我们的需要,可以提供自动化等功能,令人力资源成本降低。而且它的操作简单,齐集所有指示和教程,任何同事在看完影片后都可以容易设定自动化。
Wati 有效地降低了人力资源和时间成本,对一些需要 WhatsApp 商业平台的企业, Wati 无疑是性价比之选,全力协助你的公司营运。
我們發現 Wati 所提供的功能最貼合我們的需要,可以提供自動化等功能,令人力資源成本降低。而且它的操作簡單,齊集所有指示和教程,任何同事在看完影片後都可以容易設定自動化。
Wati 有效地降低了人力資源和時間成本,對一些需要 WhatsApp 商業平台的企業, Wati 無疑是性價比之選,全力協助你的公司營運。
By leveraging Wati's automation and broadcast messaging features, TravPholer's successfully elevated its business to the next level, reducing costs and increasing profits. These tools played a significant role in attracting new customers and improving the quality of service, making a lasting impact on TravPholer's growth and efficiency.
使用 Wati 的自动化功能及广播讯息功能将 TravPholer 的业务更上一层楼,节省了成本,获取了更多利润。这对 TravPholer 吸纳新客户和提升服务质素起了很大的作用。
使用 Wati 的自動化功能及廣播訊息功能將 TravPholer 的業務更上一層樓,節省了成本,獲取了更多利潤。這對 TravPholer 吸納新客戶和提升服務質素起了很大的作用。