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E-Commerce Customer Experience: How to Scale Up Your Game in 2024?

Rohan Chaturvedi    6/21/24

Imagine you run a successful online store selling high-quality, eco-friendly sneakers. Your sneakers are made from sustainable materials and get rave reviews. 

But having a great product isn’t enough for your business to thrive.

Yes, the quality of your sneakers helps build your brand’s reputation. However, relying only on product excellence won’t attract, engage, and keep your customers.

Nowadays, service or product quality alone isn’t the main reason people choose your brand. In eCommerce, offering a great overall experience is much more important for customer loyalty. 

86% of buyers are ready to pay more for an exceptional customer experience. 

With that in mind, let’s get into why businesses invest in e-commerce customer experience. We’ll also talk about how you can improve the customer experience for your brand, along with some real-life examples. 

Trust us, you don’t want to skip reading this! 

What is E-commerce Customer Experience?

E-commerce customer experience is the overall journey your customers go through when interacting with your online store. It encompasses every touchpoint, from the moment they discover your brand to after they receive their purchase. 

This includes website navigation, customer service interactions, and the ease of the checkout process. A positive e-commerce CX makes customers feel valued and understood. Plus, it encourages them to return and recommend your store to others.

Difference Between E-commerce Customer Experience and User Experience

While e-commerce customer experience (CX) and user experience (UX) are often confused, they mean different things.

  • User Experience (UX): UX focuses on how easy and pleasant your website or app is to use. For example, a good UX means your site is easy to navigate, looks great, and works without glitches. If customers can find products quickly and have a smooth checkout process, that’s good UX.
  • E-commerce Customer Experience (CX): CX in e-commerce includes UX but goes beyond it. It covers every interaction a customer has with your brand. This means not just the website experience but also customer service, delivery speed, and how issues get resolved after a purchase. For instance, if a customer has a question and gets quick, helpful responses from your support team, that’s part of a good CX. If their order arrives on time and in perfect condition, that’s also part of CX.

In short, UX is just one piece of the larger CX puzzle. While UX ensures your website works well, CX ensures the shopping experience is smooth and enjoyable.

Why is E-commerce Customer Experience Important?

E-commerce customer experience benefits

Here’s why you must emphasize e-commerce customer experience for your brand. 

A. Customer Satisfaction

The foundation of a successful e-commerce business is ensuring customers are truly happy with their purchases. Genuine satisfaction means customers feel delighted even after the transaction, making them more likely to return for future shopping.

B. Repeat Business

Happy customers come back. When an online store consistently meets customer needs, it turns shoppers into regulars. These loyal customers provide steady income, proving that a great e-commerce customer experience pays off.

C. Word of Mouth

A fantastic e-commerce experience doesn’t just make customers happy. Instead, it turns them into brand advocates. Satisfied shoppers eagerly share their positive experiences with friends and family. These highly trusted personal recommendations can bring in new customers to help naturally grow your business.

D. Brand Loyalty

Providing a great e-commerce experience makes customers loyal to your brand. When they consistently enjoy a smooth and satisfying shopping journey, they prefer your products over competitors. This loyalty keeps them coming back.

E. Competitive Advantage

An exceptional e-commerce experience sets your business apart in the competitive online shopping world. It helps your brand stand out in a crowded market, making it the top choice for shoppers who seek more than just products – they want a great overall experience.

wati sign up banner

F. Reduced Cart Abandonment

Improving the e-commerce customer experience reduces cart abandonment. When the process is easy and enjoyable, customers are less likely to leave their carts without buying. It leads to more completed purchases and increased revenue. 

Related Read: How to Reduce & Recover Your Shopify Abandoned Carts in 2024 [A Complete Guide]

G. Positive Reviews

An excellent e-commerce shopping experience leads to happy customers who leave positive reviews. These reviews act as recommendations, making your online store look good and trustworthy. They show other potential customers that your store is worth shopping at.

H. Higher Sales

Customers with a great shopping experience are more likely to buy and spend more each time. So, you make more sales and earn more money.

I. Cost Savings

Prioritizing the e-commerce customer experience also saves money. Satisfied customers encounter fewer issues and require less support. Reducing customer inquiries and support tickets saves time and resources. As a result, your operational efficiency gets improved. 

J. Adaptation to Trends

Focusing on e-commerce customer experience helps your business stay agile and adapt to evolving trends. You remain relevant and competitive in a dynamic market by keeping up with customer preferences and market changes.

According to a study by PWC, 86% of buyers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience. Investing in CX is crucial for e-commerce success.

Wati and Shopify webinar link

Reasons Why Businesses Invest in E-commerce Customer Experience

While we’re sure the above advantages were enough, let’s go one step further. 

Here are three solid reasons for businesses choosing to invest in e-commerce customer experience. 

1. To Improve Cross-Selling and Up-Selling 

  • Cross Selling: Recommending related products based on customer interests or previous purchases. For example, suggesting camera accessories like a bag, tripod, or extra lenses alongside a camera purchase.
  • Up Selling: Highlighting premium options that offer enhanced features or capabilities. For instance, showcasing a higher-tier smartphone model to customers browsing for a new phone.
  • Personalization: Tailoring product recommendations and offers based on customer data and behavior. Personalized suggestions increase the chances of customers making additional purchases.
reasons to invest in e-commerce customer experience

2. To Improve Customer Retention 

  • Customer Loyalty: Fostering loyalty through seamless and enjoyable shopping experiences. Loyalty programs, rewards, and personalized recommendations incentivize customers to return.
  • Effective Communication: Providing excellent customer support, easy returns, and efficient communication channels. Addressing customer concerns promptly enhances the overall shopping experience.
  • Post-Purchase Engagement: Maintaining engagement through email marketing, social media updates, and personalized follow-ups. Plus, keeping customers informed about new products and promotions to strengthen their connection with the brand.

Also Read: 10 Customer Retention Strategies for Shopify Business Owners 

3. To Improve Customer Satisfaction 

  • User-Friendly Interfaces: Ensuring intuitive navigation, clear product descriptions, and easy checkout processes. A user-friendly website or app reduces customer frustration and enhances satisfaction.
  • Fast and Reliable Delivery: Offering efficient order fulfillment, accurate delivery estimates, and reliable shipping options. Package tracking and timely updates on order status improve the overall delivery experience.
  • Responsive Customer Support: Providing responsive support through live chat button, email, and phone. Addressing inquiries and concerns exceeds customer expectations and boosts satisfaction levels.

7 Examples of Excellent E-Commerce Customer Experience

Okay, it’s time for some inspiration. 

In order to motivate you, we’ve compiled a list of some brands that have aced the e-commerce customer experience game. 


Amazon stands out for its seamless one-click purchasing, highly personalized recommendations tailored to individual preferences, and straightforward, customer-centric return process. 

amazon recommendations feature

It also gives shoppers valuable insights through customer reviews and ratings, aiding informed decision-making.


Zappos website image

Renowned for exceptional customer service, Zappos offers perks like free shipping and a generous 365-day return policy. The brand’s 24/7 call center exemplifies its commitment to customer satisfaction, where representatives are encouraged to go above and beyond to ensure customer delight.


Apple’s website and app feature a user-friendly interface that simplifies product discovery and purchasing. 

Apple products and their descriptions

The brand provides comprehensive product information and integrates customer reviews to build confidence. Plus, it helps streamline the checkout process for a seamless shopping experience. 


Sephora virtual makeup feature

A leader in the beauty industry, Sephora allows customers to try makeup virtually through its website and app. This innovative feature empowers shoppers to make well-informed choices when selecting products.


Etsy product offerings

Known for its unique, handmade, and vintage products, Etsy excels at offering a personalized shopping journey. It uses intelligent algorithms to curate product recommendations based on individual browsing histories, fostering solid connections and satisfaction. Etsy also facilitates direct communication between buyers and sellers, enhancing the community feel.


Netflix and its suggestions to users

While primarily focused on entertainment, Netflix sets a high standard for customer experience with its intuitive interface. Personalized content recommendations and seamless streaming across devices ensure subscribers enjoy a hassle-free entertainment experience.


In the travel and accommodation sector, Airbnb excels with its user-friendly platform that simplifies the booking process worldwide. 

Airbnb travel destinations

It prioritizes trust and safety by providing detailed property listings, user-generated reviews for valuable insights, and a range of secure payment options that instill confidence in the booking process.

Improving your eCommerce Customer Experience

Improving e-commerce customer experience

But the question remains, ‘How exactly do you improve your customer experience?’ 

In this section, we’ll provide simple and actionable pointers. Each method is tried and tested and will surely help enhance your brand’s e-commerce customer experience. 

1. User-Friendly Website 

Let’s start with the basics. You absolutely must work on making your website user-friendly. 

Creating a user-friendly website means making it easy for customers to find what they need, learn about your products, and buy them effortlessly. 

user-friendly website example
  • Responsive design ensures your site works well on different devices, especially since many people shop on their phones. 
  • A simple layout and fast loading times make navigating and staying on your site easier for users. 
  • Improving your checkout process can prevent people from leaving items in their cart without buying them, which happens a lot in online stores. 
  • Making the checkout quick, easy to understand, and clear about costs can make customers more likely to finish their purchases.

Another essential part of a user-friendly design is accessibility. This means making sure everyone can use your website easily. Adding features that help people with disabilities use your site makes it more welcoming and enjoyable for all customers.

2. Clear & Effective Product Pages 

To create a great customer experience, it’s crucial to appeal to your customers’ senses and emotions, especially on your product pages. A balanced approach is key: provide essential product details to guide customers toward making a purchase without overwhelming them.

iphone 15 pro product description

High-quality images and explanatory videos can effectively engage customers’ senses and showcase your product’s benefits. Lifestyle and texture images, along with visuals of customers using your product, help potential buyers envision how it fits into their lives.  

Pro Tip 💡: Your product page copy is vital. Use emotive language and detailed descriptions of features to help customers imagine how your product can solve their specific needs. This combination enhances the sensory appeal and ensures a positive customer experience. 

3. Focus on Personalization 

Personalizing the e-commerce customer experience is essential for success today. While basic personalization, like using customer names and recommending products, is foundational, the future lies in delivering tailored content and promotions throughout the customer journey. This advanced approach adapts to individual actions and preferences, providing a more engaging shopping experience.

Imagine a customer browsing a clothing site. Instead of generic suggestions, they see products based on their past purchases or interests. During checkout, personalized offers appear, enhancing their experience. 

Follow-up emails suggest related items or offer exclusive discounts, reinforcing the personalized connection. By harnessing customer data effectively, businesses not only drive sales but also build lasting loyalty. 

offering promos via emails

This strategic use of eCommerce personalization sets brands apart in the competitive e-commerce landscape, ensuring each interaction feels uniquely tailored and valuable to the customer.

4. Be Proactive in Communication 

Creating clear, consistent, and timely communication is crucial for building trust, reducing confusion, and setting clear expectations in e-commerce. 

When messages are cohesive across all platforms, they reinforce your brand’s integrity and ensure customers have a seamless shopping experience.

Proactive communication is also essential. By anticipating and addressing customer concerns before they escalate, you can enhance their overall journey and satisfaction.

Here are actionable steps to achieve effective communication in e-commerce. 

  • Define your brand voice: Maintain a consistent tone and style in all communications that reflects your brand’s values and personality.
  • Utilize automation wisely: Implement automated responses for routine inquiries to provide swift and reliable customer support.
  • Provide timely updates: Keep customers informed about their orders, shipping status, and any relevant information to build transparency and confidence.
  • Predict and meet customer needs: Use insights from customer data to anticipate issues and offer proactive solutions through targeted communications and support.

5. Create an Omnichannel Presence 

Improvements in customer experience are increasingly driven by omnichannel strategies. 

Customers today expect more than just traditional in-store and basic online shopping experiences. Services like curbside pickup, social media orders, and flexible return options, initially introduced during store closures, have become preferred methods for many.

Creating a seamless omnichannel presence is crucial. It allows customers to transition smoothly between different channels during their shopping journey. Mobile apps are particularly effective in enabling this integrated experience.

mobile apps examples

6. Fasten Response Times 

Responding promptly to customer questions or issues shows customers you respect their time, fostering trust and boosting satisfaction. 

This approach directly affects how your online store is seen, how loyal customers are, and how many return to shop again. This should be a top goal for e-commerce businesses aiming to excel in customer service. 

7. Organize your Conversations 

Storing customer conversations in a well-structured way helps: 

  • Track issues
  • Spot trends
  • Ensure timely responses

It helps boost customer satisfaction and enhance team productivity by reducing confusion and preventing oversight.

Pro Tip💡: A useful Wati feature in this regard is the shared team inbox. Unlike isolated email setups, it consolidates all customer communication in one accessible place for the entire team, promoting transparency and collaboration. 

8. Increase Self-Servicing 

Today’s consumers often prefer resolving simple queries independently without needing to engage a customer service agent, particularly in online settings. According to Salesforce’s State of Service report, 59% of customers opt for self-service for straightforward issues. 

Besides deploying AI chatbots, e-commerce companies can bolster customer experience by maintaining comprehensive knowledge bases that are regularly updated by dedicated teams. 

Plus, fostering community forums where customers can assist each other not only resolves queries but also cultivates a loyal brand community, driving consumer engagement. 

Related Read: How to Create A WhatsApp Chatbot in Just 5 Minutes! (2024)

How Can WhatsApp Business API Help?

WhatsApp Business is a key tool that can has changed the e-commerce customer experience of many businesses for the better. 

But you take it one step by bringing WhatsApp Business API into the picture. 

Here’s why. 

It makes talking to your customers easy and fast. You can respond quickly and personally to their needs. Customers get instant updates about their orders and answers to their questions, even after business hours, thanks to automated replies. It keeps them informed and builds trust. Collecting feedback also becomes simple and gives you insights to improve your services. 

By using the WhatsApp Business API, you can offer a more engaging, clear, and customer-friendly shopping experience. This will increase loyalty and sales. But above all, make your customers satisfied in your WhatsApp marketing journey. 

Also Read: Difference between WhatsApp Messenger, WhatsApp Business App, and Business API

How Can Wati Elevate Your eCommerce Customer Experience?

You can’t talk about WhatsApp Business API and not mention Wati. 

Wati tool in action

But what makes this end-to-end WhatsApp Business API solution beneficial for eCommerce customer service? Let’s get into it. 

A. Centralized Communication 

Wati provides a centralized communication hub known as a shared team inbox, where all customer interactions across different channels are consolidated. This unified approach ensures no customer query is missed and facilitates efficient conversation management.

Related Read: WhatsApp Team Inbox: Features, Benefits, and Setup

B. Quick Solutions & Updates 

Wati allows you to build automated chatbots through its no-code chatbot feature quickly. And when we say quickly, we mean quickly. 

You can use them to handle routine customer inquiries and provide instant support. This helps reduce wait times and improve customer satisfaction. These chatbots can also assist with order tracking, product information, and more.

C. Enhanced Team Collaboration 

Wati’s shared team inbox feature ensures all team members have access to customer communications. It promotes transparency and efficient internal collaboration. This collective approach helps in delivering consistent and high-quality customer service. 

D. Providing a Personal Touch 

If you’re not personalizing your messages, you’re providing committing a sin (or something like it). 

Wati’s custom notification feature allows you to send customized transactional messages and promotional offers. This will enable you to recommend products and services based on previous purchases and build long-term relationships.  

We’re currently offering a special 7-day free trial. So why not take advantage of this and get started with Wati today? 

You can also book a 1:1 demo, BTW! 

Wati sign up banner

To Sum it Up 

Delivering a standout e-commerce customer experience goes beyond having a high-quality product. It’s about creating a seamless, engaging journey from discovery to post-purchase. 

You must focus on a user-friendly website, personalized interactions, and efficient communication to build satisfaction and loyalty. Brands like Amazon and AirBnB exemplify these practices. 

Tools like WhatsApp Business API and solutions like Wati can elevate your customer interactions, ensuring quick responses and personalized service. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of customer experience in e-commerce?

Customer experience is vital in e-commerce as it directly impacts satisfaction, loyalty, and repeat business. A positive experience can lead to higher conversion rates, increased sales, and a competitive edge.

What role does technology play in enhancing e-commerce customer experience?

Technology enhances customer experience with AI-driven chatbots, data analytics for personalization, mobile apps, and secure payment gateways.

Are there any cost-effective ways to scale up customer experience for small e-commerce businesses?

Small businesses can optimize their customer experience by improving website performance, using social media for engagement, leveraging affordable customer support solutions, and seeking feedback for continuous improvement.

What are the key metrics or KPIs to measure the success of customer experience initiatives in e-commerce?

Key KPIs include Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction (CSAT), Customer Effort Score (CES), cart abandonment rates, and repeat purchase rates.

What emerging trends in e-commerce customer experience should businesses be aware of?

Trends include augmented reality for try-ons, voice commerce, chatbots, sustainable shopping options, and hyper-personalization through AI. Staying updated with these trends is crucial for competitiveness.

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